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P2YL | Part 2 Of Your (Love?) Life

  • is my unique project

  • based on personal experience and a happy outcome

  • focusing on women rebuilding their lives

  • after loss, heartbreak, or divorce.

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by Katrina Robinson 11 Oct, 2024
I once heard an Oxford professor, who frequently attended formal dinners with the great and good, say he had heard the late Queen Elizabeth II quote two mottoes for life. The first one was: Live Gratefully. I’ll come to the second later. Her words struck me at the time because I wasn’t feeling grateful. As a shell-shocked divorcée I had had a bad knock and it had left me in a new place midlife: Alone. Lacking security. Having to give up doing what I loved in order to work at something else to keep myself afloat financially. Tired. Facing an uncertain future. Yet these words from someone I admired and saw as steady as a rock warmed me and got me thinking. 'Though much is taken, much remains' I decided I'd experiment with 'Living Gratefully' and see if it helped. Almost instantly the words of a poem came to mind: 'Though much is taken, much remains.' The point being that yes, there had been loss, but if you stepped back and looked at your life less emotionally, you could appreciate what you still had. If I cleared away the mists of self-pity (blue panels) some simple truths I could appreciate (yellow panels) began to emerge:
by Katrina Robinson 04 Oct, 2024
And would it work for you?
by Katrina Robinson 26 Sept, 2024
Can relocating aid personal recovery?
by Katrina Robinson 20 Sept, 2024
Featuring lace, linen, and lavender
by Katrina Robinson 16 Sept, 2024
When some previously unimaginable loss seems to be happening to you, I first recommend two things to hold onto.
by Katrina Robinson 09 Sept, 2024
As August turns to September, somewhere in the crisp or misty morning air I catch a hint of fresh energy and purpose, as though generated by all the schoolkids returning to a new school year.
by Katrina Robinson 23 Aug, 2024
Starting this September: 'September Spring' is about comfort, self-soothing, and getting through the early period of some major loss.
by Katrina Robinson 16 Aug, 2024
Or, a Springtime to blossom
by Katrina Robinson 24 Jul, 2024
I am writing this in the members' lounge of a flying club. Sprawled around on the leather Chesterfields are men — mostly — of varying ages who are either in the process of acquiring a pilot's licence, or training others to acquire one. I don't fit either of these categories so what am I doing here? This is one of the things I'm choosing to do differently in Part 2 Of My (Love?) Life. What happened in Part 1 I was married first to a man who, several years after we got married, developed a passion for sailing. Not the gentle cruising type, but full-on ocean-racing, requiring yacht-master training and qualifications. I, on the other hand, couldn't swim, was not surprisingly fearful of deep water, prone to seasickness, and am miserable when cold and wet. So sailing wasn't for me but I had no problem with him taking time out to pursue his new interest at a sailing club on the coast. It didn't occur to me not to trust him and I knew if I tagged along with a brave face I would simply be a drag on him. Whenever he was off for a few days' sailing I got busy with my own interests, and loved hearing about his experiences when he came home. Unfortunately some of these experiences included ones he wasn’t telling me about: he began an affair with a woman, also married, at the yacht club and ultimately left me for her. Making Part 2 different Fast forward all these years and now that I am in a new marriage, I find myself handling my husband's individual interests slightly differently. He is learning to fly and I go with him regularly to the flying club, making myself at home in the clubhouse while he's up in the skies.
by Katrina Robinson 02 Jul, 2024
So don't do any heavy-lifting of THEIR guilt
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