5 favourite films on the road to love and re-marriage:
Because the right film at the right time can inspire you and pass on a message you need to hear.
This time last year I wrote Six good things about bad Christmases and it struck a chord with many people. So I've flagged it and linked to it again and that's got me thinking about the whole cult of New Year's Eve which I know can hang over us if we're feeling a bit sub-optimal, like a child knowing a dental appointment is coming up.
Peaky Blinders came at the viewing public faster than a steam train out of Birmingham New Street, so prepare to learn some style lessons from the Peaky Blinders women.
THANK YOU to all the beloved subscribers to September Spring: weekly emails on starting afresh . Today is the last of my September Spring messages. Subscribers will continue to receive 👒 P2YL | Part 2 Of Your Love-Life , every other Friday.